Coloratura @ Kansas State School for the Blind

Last month, I had the joy & honor of bringing Coloratura to the Kansas State School for the Blind.

I wanted to make sure the experience was as accessible as possible, so, with the guidance of the KSSB teachers we made several adaptations, like labeling the brush handles with braille and adding different textures to the paint.

We worked with students of a variety of ages and varying levels of vision, and each one had a unique and beautiful experience. 

I asked the students to share honest feedback about the experience; most of them said “This is awesome! When can I buy one?”, and several gave me helpful suggestions to make the experience even more accessible for visually impaired folks. I also got a few suggestions for how to improve the experience for people with hearing loss. 

Over the next few months, we plan to incorporate many of these improvement into the newest iteration of Coloratura. 

I was so overjoyed to work with these students. Their creativity, curiosity and determination was so inspiring. The video above highlights a few of my favorite clips from our 2-day workshop.

Thank you to all of the amazing staff & students at KSSB for participating in this workshop. I’m so excited for our future collaborations!

Camry Ivory