Strange Women Lying in [Tubs] Distributing [Paintbrushes] *

Coloratura is featured in the May/June issue of KC Studio Magazine, one of Kansas City’s premiere arts-focused publications. Check out the full article here.

Both the author. Becky Smith. and the photographer, Jim Barcus, so beautifully capture the past and the future of Coloratura. The article was written before I left for my artist residency in early 2023, and the photo was taken just a few weeks after I returned.

During my residency, I dove deep into the world of suminagashi (Japanese water marbling), using small tubs of water as a natural conductive canvas to paint upon with my electronic paintbrushes. I had never attempted this artistic practice before, but it opened up a new world of creative exploration. Aside from my creative practice, water was a constant source of calming energy during my residency. My daily walks to the Gunnison River, a mile away from my studio, helped me push through challenging times.

When I returned from the residency, Jim, the photographer for KC Studio asked me “what elements best embody your practice?" I instantly answered “WATER”

We brainstormed some photoshoot ideas, and Jim suggested an elegant photo in a half-full tub, surrounded by my delicately applied swirls of paint. And that’s how I ended up lying in a bathtub for an hour or so in what was probably someone’s wedding/reception/engagement dress. I found it at Goodwill for $10; a steal of a deal, second only to my actual wedding dress, which I also found at Goodwill for $25. I love a bargain.

Thank you so much to Becky & Jim for profiling Coloratura!

* In case you are not a Monty Python fan, the title of this post is a riff off the infamous quote from one of my favorite movies, Monty Python & the Holy Grail: “Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!” referring to the Lady of the Lake from the legend of King Arthur.

Camry Ivory